The future of talks
I look forward to seeing many of you in August at the Florida Future Forecast 2005 conference. For those who don't know, this is a week long conference with many prominent guest speakers talking about a variety of upcoming technologies and futurology forecasts. Unfortunately, if you don't know of it by now, you're unlikely to of been considered important enough to be invited to attend.
I've been asked to give a small talk on the Tuesday, and am in negotiations as to exactly what the topic will be. I'm leaning towards a talk I've been working on about encrypted laser communication systems, although the conference organisers are more keen to hear more on the household pet training implants, that I wrote a paper on last year. My own views are that last year is last year, and the future for animal training lies in ultrasonic Pavlovian hypnosis, but it seems a games manufacturer will be presenting information on something similar. A games manufacturer! I ask you. What the organisers are doing letting such speakers into the conference is beyond me.