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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Bronx Tale

One of my long time friends and fellow futurologist Professor Louek Hemelleurder from New York was giving a speech today. While often longwinded in his explanations, I have the greatest respect for his chosen subject matter - future monetary systems. New York has it's own problems with physical cash, namely that people on the street all want to steal it, and Professor Hemelleurder considered this issue in his solutions. Unfortunately, many of his solutions are still prone to criminals removing various body parts. I did suggest chromium skeleton implants would help with this problem, but it appears that there was an amusing disturbance somewhere in the conference room, and my comment was not taken up.

Several of the conference attendees have been reading my blog, with many more expressing their intent to do so. So hello to all my new readers. I'd like to thank the official who has confirmed that the conference FFF logo was in fact designed by a child in a high school art contest. I find this almost disgraceful. While I am all in favour of encouraging children to get involved with science, under strict adult supervision of course, art is not science. And this kind of encouragement - dressing science up as painting pictures is going to do nothing but damage the future generations of technology developers.


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