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Friday, August 12, 2005

Future Tense

It was the final day of the Florida Future Forecast 2005 conference today. Many of the attendees are now looking forward to the future of their studies, companies and daily life. All will be excitedly wondering how they can incorporate their new knowledge of upcoming developments into their work.

I return to merry England on Saturday. Overall I'd say the conference has been of benefit to mankind. Modesty forbids me from suggesting Wednesday afternoon was the highlight of the week for many people, but this has been suggested by some. The gathering of so many fine minds in one place naturally results in much social networking. This will lead to future partnerships and collaborations between scientists and thinkers. I have been proud to have been a part of such an endeavour, and I know many others feel exactly the same way.
My thanks go to the organisers, and to the city of Orlando for hosting the event. And, for those who wondered, I shall be pleased to try and fit it into my diary for next year, when asked to attend.


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